Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella chose as the Chairman of the Board


Microsoft yesterday reported that the board's free chiefs have chosen Satya Nadella as the executive of the board, and chose John W. Thompson as lead-free chief. 

This is what Satya Nadella and John W. Thompson will do in their new jobs:

In this job, Nadella will lead the work to set the plan for the board, utilizing his profound comprehension of the business to raise the right essential chances and distinguish key dangers and moderation approaches for the board's audit. As lead autonomous chief, Thompson will hold huge authority including giving contribution for the benefit of the free chiefs on board plans, assembling conferences of the free chiefs, setting plans for leader meetings, and driving execution assessments of the CEO.

Microsoft board additionally declared a quarterly profit of $0.56 per share. The profit is payable Sept. 9, 2021, to investors of record on Aug. 19, 2021. The ex-profit date will be Aug. 18, 2021. 

Source: Microsoft


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